Getting started with the CDC Empowering children to achieve their true potential!

How to Access Our Programme

Getting Started: Complete the Listening Checklist

Our Therapeutic programme starts with an Initial Assessment to determine a client’s suitability. Please complete & submit the Listening Checklist. Check off the boxes that apply along with your contact information and a brief description of your, or your child’s, concerns and issues.

Once we receive your completed checklist, we will review the information provided and contact you for the next step.

We look at your child as an individual with their own unique hopes, dreams and aspirations.

What Happens Next?

Making an Appointment

Once determined that your child is a possible candidate an Initial Assessment appointment is made. Prior to the appointment, please download and fill in the appropriate questionnaire here. This should be returned to us together with prior reports which may be relevant.

Consultations are available at our clinics or online.
For more information, click here.

Initial Assessment

The Initial Assessment takes about 2 hours, it includes a detailed assessment of your child’s speech & language skills and clinical observations.  This assessment looks primarily at your child’s speech, language and communication skills, sensory processing abilities, listening, attention and concentration skills.  In addition, we look at your child’s motor, social and academic abilities. We look at where your child is currently functioning, but we can also see clearly what they could achieve with the correct interventions.

This is how we identify all of the pieces of the jigsaw that are impacting on your child’s development and as a result, we can make recommendations for referral to other clinicians within the centre – where a child may require input from occupational therapy, psychology, general practitioner, nutritionist or a medical homeopath.

All of the services that your child may require are available under one roof at The Child Development Centre.

We will also discusses what kind of changes and improvements to be expected and the length of the programme.

Our Programme

If you decide to pursue the recommended programme you can schedule the sessions with one of our administrators.