Karen O’Connor

Consultant Speech and Language Therapist and Director of Services at the Child Development Centre.

Karen O'Connor - The Child Development Centre

Karen has twenty years experience working closely with children with a wide variety of developmental challenges.

These include autism, Asperger’s syndrome, developmental co-ordination disorder, sensory processing disorder, cerebral palsy, dyspraxia, ADHD, speech and/or language delay, speech and/or language disorder, global developmental delay and many other challenges.

Over the years Karen has undergone considerable post-graduate training in many areas including advanced studies in sensory integration, the LiFT™ programme, Therapeutic Listening™ programme, Advanced Therapeutic Listening™ programme, Floortime, Talktools amongst many others.

Karen’s extensive experience both at home and abroad has helped her to develop a unique  and innovative programme for families that incorporates sensory integrative and other neurological techniques with more traditional speech and language therapy approaches with amazing results.

“ Children are making incredible progress in a short period of time. Some children are improving by two and and years over a period of thirty days”.

Karen is eager to share her extensive knowledge and experience with families to help their children achieve their full potential.